fredag 30 oktober 2009

At the university

This week I have had two presentations about the Nordic countries at the university. These students are studying English, so there were no problem with the language :) It was quite fun. They seemed interested and they had many questions. It was so nice to "teach" to a little bit older students compared to primary school where the children are climbing at the walls instead of listening. The students are though much younger than at the universities in Finland and Sweden. Here the students are between 17 and 21 years old.

There is a Swedish girl from Gothenburg here in Ekaterinburg. She studies russian literature at an other university and she has been living in Russia since 2004. It was my teacher in Russian at Gothenburg university who told me about her. She has been teaching Swedish here for 3 years now. Yesterday I went to her course, with her students who studying Swedish for the third year now. It was really fun! Interesting to find people that learn Swedish here in the middle of Russia. I was telling them about Finnishswedish. My favourite subject! :) I was impressed of their Swedish considering that they have only had one class per week. Two of the students will help me with Russian and I will help them with Swedish. Good deal!

Now it's snowing and it seems to snow a lot!

Have a nice weekend!

2 kommentarer:

Malin sa...

Härligt att du orkar hålla på och berätta om oss finlandssvenskar för alla okunniga!

Jessica sa...

Jajamensan, men jag tror jag börjat låta som ett inspelat band när det gäller det här ämnet...