tisdag 27 oktober 2009

My room

I like my room. It's warm and I can sit there drinking tea and watching TV and pretend that I understand what they say. There is nobody asking me questions in Russian that I don't understand. I live in a student house about 10 minutes from the university. I live at a "special floor" in a "special room" for guests. So there are no students. There are some empty rooms there, but nobody is living there yet. There are a common toilet, shower and kitchen, but as I said I'm the only one so far. The building is old but it is better than I expected, since my supervisor wrote me several times that the facilities are not the best. There are some guards always standing at the entrance and you have to show a paper that you live there. On Saturday the guard didn't want to let me in and just said something in Russian that I didn't understand. He sounded very upset. I couldn't say more than that I don't understand and after some more angry sentences he finally throwed the paper at me and let me in... I must say I felt quite helpless then, saw me self homeless sleeping in the street. I still don't know what the problem was, because the next day there was no problem to enter with an other guard...

Soo, now this text was supposed to be followed by tadaaa... some photos from my room... but I have OF COURSE forgot something at home. And this thing is the cable to connect the camera to the computer. So, I have to check what I can do about this. So no photos yet, sorry about that!

6 kommentarer:

Karolina och Fredric sa...

Ja, en bild hade ju varit jättekul! Roligt att höra att det går bra för dig (med vakterna och så...)!

ienna sa...

Fick int du me he lame kameran? Gar ju rätt lätt ti köp en USBsladd annars

Jessica sa...

Jo, fick no me kameran, men ja hadd me en sladd (ti mp3-spelari) så ja tänkt att e ji ju samma, men e va minder uttag på kameran... :(

expert sa...

Va int e normalt USButtag på kameran? låter suspekt

Inkompetent sa...

nej ande lilla pöpen som ska in i kameran va minder än inganji i mp3-spelari, USB-ienda va ju no förstås lik.

Emma sa...

Min älskade finaste duracell-Jessipessi! Fy fan vad jag saknar dig! Dom äter väl inte upp dig därborta? Hur har du det EGENTLIGEN? Jag skulle antagligen ha dött av hjärtinfarkt vid det här laget om det var jag som var du. Särskilt om jag inte blev insläppt i mitt hus. Mejla mig! Puss!!!