fredag 27 november 2009


I have just finished work and now I'm sitting at a coffee house and having a coffee. In 45 minutes I will go to Josefina's Swedish course to meet her students at the beginner level.

At Tuesday I had a presentation about youth and religion in Finland. It was very interesting. In Russia it's quite different from Finland. The religion it's not connected to the society at the same way as it in Finland. During the Soviet period many churches were destroyed and government was totally against religion. So they found it interesting when I told about how it is in Finland, for example that 82 % of the population "belongs" to the church and that we pay church tax. Here they don't have any education in religion in school and if you want to get wed in the church you have to have a civil marriage first.

My other presentation about design was more difficult. I don't know anything about design. But the teacher is a big fan of Finland, so she seemed pleased anyway. She was praising Tove Jansson, Aki Kaurismäki and our clean nature and so on.

She took pictures of me with the class.

Now I have to run! Have a nice weekend!

2 kommentarer:

Johanna sa...

I Frankrike är det samma som i Ryssland, kyrka och stat är helt åtskilda och det finns ingen som helst religionsundervisning i skolan. Det går ej heller att viga sig i kyrkan, dock kan man få välsignelse.
Det är intressant hur kyrkliga vi är i Finland faktiskt. Och även i Sverige kan man ju vigas i kyrkan, även om stat och kyrka är åtskilda här.

Mallo sa...

hej hej, lärarinna-Jesko... hihi ;D